DFiniteSequence and DFiniteSequenceRing

D-finite sequences

Sublasses rec_sequences.RecurrenceSequenceRing and defines sequences satisfying a linear recurrence equation with polynomial coefficients. Such a D-finite sequence \(a(n)\) is defined by a recurrence

\[p_0(n) a(n) + \dots + p_r(n) a(n+r) = 0 \text{ for all } n \geq 0\]

and initial values \(a(0),...,a(r-1)\). This is just a wrapper of UnivariateDFiniteSequence from the package ore_algebra. The only difference is, that we make sure that the leading coefficient of the recurrences have no zeros by shifting the recurrence appropriately (which might increase the order of the recurrence).


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *

sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R) # create D-finite sequence ring over QQ

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1]) # define factorials
sage: fac[:10]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]

sage: # define harmonic numbers using guessing
sage: harm_terms = [sum(1/i for i in range(1,k)) for k in range(1,20)]
sage: harm = D(harm_terms)
sage: harm
D-finite sequence a(n): (-n - 1)*a(n) + (2*n + 3)*a(n+1) + (-n - 2)*a(n+2) 
= 0 and a(0)=0 , a(1)=1

sage: a = fac+harm
sage: a.order(), a.degree()
(3, 4)

sage: harm.is_eventually_positive() # harm. numbers positive from term 1 on
class rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing.DFiniteSequence(parent, coefficients, initial_values, name='a', is_gen=False, construct=False, cache=True)

Bases: rec_sequences.RecurrenceSequenceRing.RecurrenceSequenceElement

A D-finite sequence, i.e. a sequence where every term can be determined by a linear recurrence with polynomial coefficients and finitely many initial values. We assume that this recurrence holds for all values.


Returns the sequence self[expr(n)] if expr is a symbolic expression in one variable representing a linear polynomial.


  • expr – a linear rational univariate polynomial (can be in the symbolic ring)


The sequence self[expr(n)].


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.subsequence(2) == harm(2*n)

Checks whether item is a term of the sequence.


  • item – an element in the ground field of the sequence


Returns True if there is a term item in the sequence and False otherwise.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1]) 
sage: factorial(5) in fac # long time

sage: from rec_sequences.CFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: C = CFiniteSequenceRing(QQ) 

sage: 2 in C(10*[1,-1]) 

sage: 4 in C.an_element() 

sage: 13 in C.an_element() 

Equivalent to other <= self, cf. __le__().


Equivalent to other < self, cf. __lt__().

__init__(parent, coefficients, initial_values, name='a', is_gen=False, construct=False, cache=True)

Construct a D-finite sequence \(a(n)\) with recurrence

\[p_0(n) a(n) + \dots + p_r(n) a(n+r) = 0 \text{ for all } n \geq 0\]

from given list of coefficients \(p_0, ... , p_r\) and given list of initial values \(a(0), ..., a(r-1)\).


  • parent – a DFiniteSequenceRing

  • coefficients – the coefficients of the recurrence

  • initial_values – a list of initial values, determining the sequence with at least order of the recurrence many values

  • name (default “a”) – a name for the sequence


A D-finite sequence determined by the given recurrence and initial values.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac
D-finite sequence a(n): (n + 1)*a(n) + (-1)*a(n+1) = 0 and a(0)=1

Tries to compute the multiplicative inverse, if this is possible, by guessing the inverse using 100 terms. Such an inverse exists if and only if the sequence is an interlacing of hypergeometric sequences.

The method can be called by ~self or self.inverse_of_unit().


The multiplicative inverse of the sequence if it exists. Raises an ValueError if the sequence is not invertible or the inverse could not be found.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: ~D([n+1,-1],[1])
D-finite sequence a(n): (1)*a(n) + (-n - 1)*a(n+1) = 0 and a(0)=1

sage: ~D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Sequence is not invertible

Checks whether self is less than or equal to other termwise, i.e., checks whether self[n] <= other[n] for all natural numbers n can be proven. Only returns True if the inequality can be proven.


Since the inequality is checked termwise, this method is not equivalent to !(self > other) or to self < other or self==other.


The first 20 initial values are used to check whether the inequality can be falsified. Then, is_positive() is used using the amount of time specified in the initialization of the parent class (default: 2 seconds).


  • other – a D-finite sequence.


True if self[n] <= other[n] for all natural numbers n and False otherwise. Raises a ValueError if neither could be shown.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: from rec_sequences.CFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
sage: C = CFiniteSequenceRing(QQ, time_limit = 10)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm >= 1
sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: 0 <= fac

sage: fib = C([1,1,-1], [1,1])
sage: luc = C([1,1,-1], [2,1])
sage: luc >= fib

Checks whether self is less than other termwise, i.e., checks whether self[n] < other[n] for all natural numbers n can be proven. Only returns True if the inequality can be proven.


Since the inequality is checked termwise, this method is not equivalent to !(self >= other).


The first 20 initial values are used to check whether the inequality can be falsified. Then, is_positive() is used using the amount of time specified in the initialization of the parent class (default: 2 seconds).


  • other – a D-finite sequence.


True if self[n] < other[n] for all natural numbers n and False otherwise. Raises a ValueError if neither could be shown.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: from rec_sequences.CFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
sage: C = CFiniteSequenceRing(QQ, time_limit = 10)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: 0 < harm
sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac > 0
sage: harm < fac

sage: fib = C([1,1,-1], [0,1])
sage: c = C([2,-1], [1])
sage: c > fib

Return the sum of self and right.


  • right – D-finite sequences over the same D-finite sequence ring as self.


The addition of self with right.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: (fac+harm)[:8]
[1, 2, 7/2, 47/6, 313/12, 7337/60, 14449/20, 705963/140]

Not yet implemented.


Return the product of self and right. The result is the termwise product (Hadamard product) of self and right. To get the cauchy product use the method cauchy().


  • right – D-finite sequences over the same D-finite sequence ring as self


The product of self with right.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: (fac*harm)[:10]
[0, 1, 3, 11, 50, 274, 1764, 13068, 109584, 1026576]

Produces a string representation of the sequence.


  • name (optional) – a string used as the name of the sequence; if not given, self.name() is used.


A string representation of the sequence consisting of the recurrence and enough initial values to uniquely define the sequence.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1],name="harm")
D-finite sequence harm(n): (-n - 1)*harm(n) + (2*n + 3)*harm(n+1) + 
(-n - 2)*harm(n+2) = 0 and harm(0)=0 , harm(1)=1       

Alias of recurrence().


Computes the Cauchy product of two sequences.


  • right – other D-finite sequences over the same D-finite sequence ring


The cauchy product of self with right.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: cauchy = harm.cauchy(fac)
sage: cauchy.order(), cauchy.degree()
(16, 22)

Returns the list of polynomial coefficients of the recurrence of self in the format [p0,...,pr] representing the recurrence

\[p_0(n) a(n) + \dots + p_r(n) a(n+r) = 0.\]


The coefficients of the recurrence of the sequence.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.coefficients()
[-n - 1, 2*n + 3, -n - 2]

Returns the \(r \times r\) companion matrix

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & -p_0/p_r \\ 1 & 0 & \dots & 0 & -p_1/p_r \\ 0 & 1 & \dots & 0 & -p_2/p_r \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & 1 & -p_{r-1}/p_r \end{pmatrix} .\end{split}\]

of self with entries in the fraction field of the base.


The companion matrix.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.companion_matrix()
[                0  (-n - 1)/(n + 2)]
[                1 (2*n + 3)/(n + 2)]

Tries to compress the sequence self as much as possible by trying to find a smaller recurrence.


  • proof (default: False) if True, then the result is guaranteed to be true. Otherwise it can happen, although unlikely, that the sequences are different.


A sequence which is equal to self but may consist of a smaller operator (in terms of the order). In the worst case if no compression is possible self is returned.


The maximal degree of the coefficient polynomials.


Returns the degree of the sequence.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.degree()
divides(right, bound=100, divisor=False)

Checks whether self divides right in the sequence ring, i.e. checks whether there is a sequence div in this ring such that right/self == div.


We assume that self does not contain any zero terms.


  • right – a sequence in the same ring as self.

  • bound (default: 100) – maximal number of terms used to guess the divisor

  • divisor (default: False) – if True, then the divisor is returned instead of True if it could be found.


Returns True if self divides right could be proven. If it could not be proven, False is returned. If divisor is True, then div is returned instead of True.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: D([n+1,n^2-7,n+2], [3,1]).divides(D([n^2+3, n+1], [7]))

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: div = fac.divides(harm, divisor=True)
sage: div*fac == harm

Returns the underlying UnivariateDFiniteSequence.


A UnivariateDFiniteSequence describing the same sequence.

See also

Check the documentation of UnivariateDFiniteSequence in the ore_algebra package


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.get_ore_algebra_sequence()
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator 
-Sn + n + 1 and the initial conditions {0: 1}

Returns a vector v, s.t. self[n+i] = v[0]*self[n]+...+v[r-1]*self[n+r-1] for all n if self has order r.

INPUT: - i – a non-negative integer

OUTPUT: A vector describing the components of self[n+i] w.r.t. the generating system self[n],...,self[n+r-1].


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: v = harm.get_shift(3)
sage: v
((-2*n^2 - 7*n - 5)/(n^2 + 5*n + 6), 
(3*n^2 + 12*n + 11)/(n^2 + 5*n + 6))
sage: all([harm[n+3]==sum(v[i](n)*harm[n+i] for i in [0,1]) 
....: for n in range(10)])
has_no_zeros(bound=0, time=- 1, bound_n=5)

Tries to prove that the sequence has no zeros. This is done using different algorithms (if time is specified, time/2 is used for each of the algorithm):

  1. Determine the sign pattern using sign_pattern() and check whether it contains zeros.

  2. Uses is_eventually_positive() to show that the squared sequence is positive.


  • bound (default: 0) – length of induction hypothesis

  • time (default: -1) – if positive, this is the maximal time (in seconds) after computations are aborted

  • bound_n (default: 5) – index up to which it is checked whether the sequences is positive from that term on for the algorithms using is_eventually_positive().


Returns True if every term of the sequence is not equal to zero and False otherwise. Raises a TimeoutError if neither could be proven. If the formula for CAD is too big a RuntimeError might be raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1]) 
sage: fac.has_no_zeros() # long time

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.has_no_zeros()

sage: from rec_sequences.CFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: C = CFiniteSequenceRing(QQ) 

sage: n = var("n")
sage: C(3^n-n*2^n).has_no_zeros(time=10) # long time

sage: C(10*[1,-1]).has_no_zeros(time=10) # long time

sage: C(n-4).has_no_zeros(time=10) # long time

Returns the interlaced sequence of self with others.


  • others – other D-finite sequences over the same D-finite sequence ring


The interlaced sequence of self with others.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: fac.interlace(harm)[:10]
[1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3/2, 6, 11/6, 24, 25/12]
is_eventually_positive(bound_n=5, bound=0, strict=True, time=- 1)

Uses the Gerhold-Kauers methods (Algorithm 2 in [KP10]) to check whether the sequence is eventually positive. This is done by checking whether self.shift(n) is positive for n <= bound_n. The smallest such index is returned. For every n the given time (if given) and bound is used.


  • bound_n (default: 5) – index up to which it is checked whether the sequences is positive from that term on.

  • bound (default: 0) – length of induction hypothesis

  • strict (default: True) – if False non-negativity instead of positivity is checked

  • time (default: -1) – if positive, this is the maximal time (in seconds) after computations are aborted


Returns n from where the sequence on is positive. If no such index could be found, a ValueError is raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.is_eventually_positive()

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.is_eventually_positive()
is_positive(bound=0, strict=True, time=- 1)

Uses the Gerhold-Kauers methods (Algorithm 2 in [KP10]) to check whether the sequence is positive.


  • bound (default: 0) – length of induction hypothesis

  • strict (default: True) – if False non-negativity instead of positivity is checked

  • time (default: -1) – if positive, this is the maximal time (in seconds) after computations are aborted


Returns True if it is positive, False if it is not positive and raises a ValueError exception if it could neither prove or disprove positivity. If the time runs out, a TimeoutError is raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.is_positive()

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.is_positive()
log = <Logger DFin (WARNING)>

Prepends the given values to the sequence.

Input - values – list of values in the base ring


A sequence having the same terms with the additional values at the beginning.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.prepend([-17,32,5])[:10]
[-17, 32, 5, 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

The annihilating operator of self as an OreOperator.


Annihilating OreOperator of self.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac.recurrence()
-Sn + n + 1

Shifts self k-times.


  • k (default: 1) – an integer


The sequence \((a(n+k))_{k \in \mathbb{N}}\).


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: a = D([n+1,-1],[1]).shift(2)
sage: a[:10]
[2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800]
sign_pattern(bound=0, time=- 1, data=100)

Suppose that self has a sign pattern which is cyclic. We try to guess this pattern and then verify it using the Gerhold-Kauers [KP10] method.


  • bound (default: 0) – length of induction hypothesis.

  • time (default: -1) – if positive, this is the maximal time (in seconds) used to verify the sign patterns.

  • data (default: 100) – number of terms used to guess the sign-pattern.


The sign pattern of the sequence as an object of type rec_sequences.SignPattern. If no pattern could be guessed or this pattern could not be verified, a ValueError is raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.sign_pattern()
Sign pattern: initial values <0> cycle <+>

sage: n = var("n")
sage: D(3^n).interlace(D(-2^n)).prepend([1,3,-2]).sign_pattern()
Sign pattern: initial values <+> cycle <+->
subsequence(u, v=0)

Returns the sequence self[floor(u*n+v)].


  • u – a rational number

  • v (optional) – a rational number


The sequence self[floor(u*n+v)].


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm[:10]
[0, 1, 3/2, 11/6, 25/12, 137/60, 49/20, 363/140, 761/280, 7129/2520]
sage: harm.subsequence(2)[:5]
[0, 3/2, 25/12, 49/20, 761/280]

Returns the sequence \(\sum_{i=0}^n c(i)\), the sequence describing the partial sums.


The D-finite sequence \(\sum_{i=0}^n c(i)\).


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm[:10]
[0, 1, 3/2, 11/6, 25/12, 137/60, 49/20, 363/140, 761/280, 7129/2520]
sage: harm.sum()[:10]
[0, 1, 5/2, 13/3, 77/12, 87/10, 223/20, 481/35, 4609/280, 4861/252]
zeros(bound=0, time=- 1, data=100)

Computes the zeros of the sequence provided that the sequence satisfies the Skolem-Mahler-Lech-Theorem, i.e., the zeros consist of finitely many zeros together with a finite number of arithmetic progressions. The method sign_pattern() is used to derive the sign pattern from which the zeros are extracted. All the parameters correspond to the parameters of sign_pattern().


  • bound (default: 0) – length of induction hypothesis.

  • time (default: -1) – if positive, this is the maximal time (in seconds) used to verify the sign patterns.

  • data (default: 100) – number of terms used to guess the sign-pattern.


The zero pattern of the sequence as an object of type rec_sequences.ZeroPattern. If no pattern could be guessed or this pattern could not be verified, a ValueError is raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.CFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: harm = D([-n-1,2*n+3,-n-2],[0,1])
sage: harm.zeros()
Zero pattern with finite set {0} and no arithmetic progressions

sage: n = var("n")
sage: D(3^n).interlace(D(-2^n)).prepend([1,3,-2]).zeros()
Zero pattern with finite set {} and no arithmetic progressions

sage: C = CFiniteSequenceRing(QQ)
sage: C(10*[1,0,-1,0]).prepend([0,0,2]).zeros() # random
Zero pattern with finite set {0, 1} and arithmetic progressions: 
- Arithmetic progression (4*n+6)_n
- Arithmetic progression (4*n+4)_n
class rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing.DFiniteSequenceRing(ring, time_limit=2, name=None, element_class=None, category=None)

Bases: rec_sequences.RecurrenceSequenceRing.RecurrenceSequenceRing

A Ring of D-finite sequences over a field.


alias of rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing.DFiniteSequence

__init__(ring, time_limit=2, name=None, element_class=None, category=None)

Constructor for a D-finite sequence ring.


  • ring – a polynomial ring over a field containing the coefficients of the recurrences.

  • time_limit (default: 2) – a positive number indicating the time limit in seconds used to prove inequalities.


A ring of D-finite sequences over the given ring.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
Ring of D-finite sequences over Rational Field

sage: S.<n> = PolynomialRing(NumberField(x^2-2, "z"))
sage: DFiniteSequenceRing(S)
Ring of D-finite sequences over Number Field in z with defining 
polynomial x^2 - 2
_element_constructor_(x, y=None, name='a', check=True, is_gen=False, construct=False, **kwds)

Tries to construct a sequence \(a(n)\).

This is possible if:

  • x is already a sequence in the right ring.

  • x is a UnivariateDFiniteSequence.

  • x is a list of field elements and y is a list of field elements. Then x is interpreted as the coefficients of the sequence and y as the initial values of the sequence, i.e. \(a(0), ..., a(r-1)\).

  • x can be converted into a field element. Then it is interpreted as the constant sequence \((x)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}\)

  • x is in the symbolic ring and y a variable, then values of x.subs(y=n) for integers n are created and a recurrence for this sequence is guessed. If y is not given, we try to extract it from x.

  • x is a list, then guessing on this list is used to determine a recurrence.

  • x is a univariate polynomial, then the sequence represents the polynomial sequence.

  • x is a RecurrenceSequence, the first y terms are used to guess a D-finite sequence (if y is not given, 100 terms are used).


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: fac = D([n+1,-1],[1])
sage: fac
D-finite sequence a(n): (n + 1)*a(n) + (-1)*a(n+1) = 0 and a(0)=1

sage: fac==D(fac)

sage: D(1/7)[:5]
[1/7, 1/7, 1/7, 1/7, 1/7]

sage: n = var("n")
sage: D(2^n)[:5]
[1, 2, 4, 8, 16]

sage: D(10*[1,0])
D-finite sequence a(n): (1)*a(n) + (-1)*a(n+2) = 0 and a(0)=1 , 


A latex representation of the D-finite sequence ring.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: print(latex(DFiniteSequenceRing(R)))

sage: S.<n> = PolynomialRing(NumberField(x^2-2, "z"))
sage: print(latex(DFiniteSequenceRing(S)))
\mathcal{D}(\Bold{Q}[z]/(z^{2} - 2))


A string representation of the D-finite sequence ring.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
Ring of D-finite sequences over Rational Field

sage: S.<n> = PolynomialRing(NumberField(x^2-2, "z"))
sage: DFiniteSequenceRing(S)
Ring of D-finite sequences over Number Field in z with defining 
polynomial x^2 - 2

Returns the ore algebra associated to the recurrences.


The ore algebra containing recurrences of this D-finite sequence ring.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
sage: D.associated_ore_algebra()
Univariate Ore algebra in Sn over Univariate Polynomial Ring in n 
over Rational Field

The polynomial base ring.


The polynomial base ring.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
sage: D.base()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in n over Rational Field

Return a copy of self but with the base ring R.


A D-finite sequence ring with base R.


Shows how the given ring can be constructed using functors.


A functor F and a ring R such that F(R)==self


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: F, R = D.construction()
sage: F._apply_functor(R) == D

Return the associated DFiniteFunctionRing.


Associated DFiniteFunctionRing.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)
sage: D.get_ore_algebra_ring()
Ring of D-finite sequences over Univariate Polynomial Ring in n 
over Rational Field
guess(data, name='a', *args, **kwds)

From given values guess a D-finite sequence using the ore_algebra package.


  • data – list of elements in the base field of the C-finite sequence ring

  • name (default: “a”) – a name for the resulting sequence

  • algorithm (optional) – if “rec_sequences”, then another straightforward implementation for sequences over QQ is used.

  • operator_only (optional) – if True only the ore-operator of the recurrence is returned.

All additional arguments are passed to the ore_algebra guessing routine.


A D-finite sequence with the specified terms as initial values. If no such sequence is found, a ValueError is raised.


sage: from rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing import *
sage: R.<n> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: D = DFiniteSequenceRing(R)

sage: D.guess([factorial(n) for n in range(20)])
D-finite sequence a(n): (n + 1)*a(n) + (-1)*a(n+1) = 0 and a(0)=1
sage: D.guess([sum(1/i for i in range(1,n)) for n in range(1,20)], 
....:         algorithm="rec_sequences", operator_only = True)
(1/2*n + 3/2)*Sn^3 + (-n - 5/2)*Sn^2 + (1/2*n + 1)*Sn
class rec_sequences.DFiniteSequenceRing.DFiniteSequenceRingFunctor

Bases: rec_sequences.RecurrenceSequenceRing.RecurrenceSequenceRingFunctor


Constructs a DFiniteSequenceRingFunctor.


Returns a string representation of the functor.


The string “DFiniteSequenceRing(*)” .